UniquEco Planters - By Becky Davies
Whilst some UniquEco Planters are sold already containing a plant, the vast majority are designed as DIY, so that customers can choose their own plant, herb or bulb to bed in with their particular colour scheme of planter.
Each planter is designed around a mix of gravel, compost and vermiculite to provide the nutrients a plant needs to grow, whilst the textiles are used to create the external planter provide vibrant decoration, as well as strength to the planter.
UniquEco planters are unique in that colours are all slightly different, even if made on the same day and sizes and shapes all differ slightly.
Due to numerous other ventures Becky now only creates UniuquEco Planters for Alnmouth Arts Festival and commissions
When commissioning a UniquEco planters please indicate what primary colour(s) you want or a spread of colours may be selected.